Discover the Evolution of Mark 16:9-20: Unveiling the Addition of an Iconic Scriptural Passage!

when was mark 16 9 20 added

When Was Mark 16:9-20 Added? Unveiling the Mystery

Mark 16:9-20 is a controversial passage that appears in some versions of the Bible, but not in others. This mysterious addition to the Gospel of Mark has puzzled scholars and theologians for centuries. In this article, we will delve into the origins of Mark 16:9-20, explore the reasons behind its inclusion or exclusion, and unravel the significance of this intriguing text.

The Background of Mark 16:9-20


The Gospel of Mark, one of the four canonical Gospels in the New Testament, is believed to have been written by John Mark, a companion of the apostle Peter. The original ending of the Gospel of Mark, as found in the oldest and most reliable manuscripts, concludes at verse 16:8.

However, Mark 16:9-20 is a later addition that appears in some manuscripts, notably the Byzantine Text-type, which was widely used in the Byzantine Empire. This addition contains various accounts of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances, and it concludes with His ascension into heaven.

The Controversy Surrounding Mark 16:9-20

The inclusion of Mark 16:9-20 in some versions of the Bible and its absence in others has sparked controversy and divided scholars. The primary reason for this controversy is the absence of these verses in the oldest and most reliable manuscripts, such as the Codex Sinaiticus and the Codex Vaticanus.

Many scholars argue that Mark 16:9-20 was not part of the original Gospel but was added later to provide a more satisfying conclusion to the text. They believe that the original ending at verse 16:8 was intentionally left open-ended, emphasizing the disciples' fear and the mystery surrounding Jesus' resurrection.

On the other hand, some scholars defend the inclusion of Mark 16:9-20, suggesting that the omission might have been accidental or due to the loss of the original ending. They argue that the content and style of these verses align with the rest of Mark's Gospel and do not seem to contradict any theological teachings.

The Significance of Mark 16:9-20

Regardless of the controversy surrounding its authenticity, Mark 16:9-20 holds significant theological and historical value. If we consider these verses as part of the Gospel, they provide valuable insights into the early Christian understanding of Jesus' resurrection and the Great Commission.

The post-resurrection appearances described in this passage highlight Jesus' continued presence and His commissioning of His disciples to spread the Good News to all nations. Furthermore, the mention of miraculous signs and protection against deadly poisons demonstrates the power of faith and the authority bestowed upon believers.


The question of when Mark 16:9-20 was added remains a mystery, and scholars continue to debate its authenticity. While some argue for its exclusion based on the absence in the oldest manuscripts, others defend its inclusion as an integral part of the Gospel.

Regardless of its origins, Mark 16:9-20 offers valuable insights into the early Christian understanding of Jesus' resurrection and the commissioning of His disciples. Whether we accept it as part of the inspired text or not, the message of spreading the Good News and the power of faith remains relevant and impactful.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is Mark 16:9-20 considered authentic?

The authenticity of Mark 16:9-20 is a subject of debate among scholars. While some argue for its inclusion, others believe it to be a later addition.

2. Why are there differences in Bible versions regarding Mark 16:9-20?

The differences in Bible versions regarding Mark 16:9-20 stem from the variations in the manuscripts used as the basis for translation. Some versions include these verses, while others omit them.

3. How do the post-resurrection appearances in Mark 16:9-20 compare to other Gospel accounts?

The post-resurrection appearances described in Mark 16:9-20 share similarities with accounts found in other Gospels, such as Luke and John. However, each Gospel provides unique perspectives and details.

4. What is the Great Commission mentioned in Mark 16:15?

The Great Commission refers to Jesus' command to His disciples to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. It is a call to spread the Good News and make disciples of all nations.

5. Does the inclusion or exclusion of Mark 16:9-20 affect core Christian beliefs?

No, the inclusion or exclusion of Mark 16:9-20 does not affect core Christian beliefs. The essential teachings of Christianity remain intact, irrespective of this passage's authenticity.

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